
Yogurt Help You Lose Weight

Yogurt has been frequently mentioned in talks concerning obesity, weight loss, and other health and wellness concerns. Does it really help in losing weight? How much of a yogurt does a person need to consume to start losing weight? Is it really a good part of a healthy diet?
According to an April 2009 study in the journal “Obesity Research” by M.B. Zemel of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, greater fat loss has been observed when a diet high in calcium-rich dairy foods was consumed compared to a low-calcium diet or a diet supplemented with calcium in vitamin form. The following year, the “International Journal of Obesity” published a study by Zemel that links similar weight loss results specifically to the consumption of yogurt daily.

In general, yogurt has several types which can be consumed depending on the diet a person follows. Low-fat or fat-free yogurts are usually the best option for people trying to lose weight. For children, yogurts can be served during snack time or as part of their regular meals. They can be served plain or with sprinkles of nuts or fruits so children are more enticed to eat them. The nutritional benefits of yogurt in children included the development of stronger bones and improved digestive tract. Yogurts are excellent source of calcium and are high in protein which both help in maintaining a healthy body and a minimum weight.
Another reason for parents to encourage kids to eat yogurt is that it boosts their immune system, keeping the kids away from any infectious diseases and other illnesses. Parents in particular can control the eating habit of their kids by being selective with their grocery products. Additionally, parents should be a good role model by eating healthy foods themselves and engaging in regular exercise. This way, kids’ perspective of a healthy lifestyle will be positively influenced. Yogurts can now be found in fresh healthy vending machines in some schools nationwide.

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