
Chinese Steamed Crabs Recipe

Actually in a way there is nothing particularly Chinese about this dish. It's a simple straightforward preparation that celebrates fresh seafood for it's sea sweetness and tender succulence. Or maybe I should take that back. Thinking about it, this dish is actually very representative of the manifestos of Cantonese cookery. Freshness first, then simple yet subtle preparation to bring out the best of the natural taste of the fresh food. Anyways this is one of the many styles in which the Chinese eat crab which they love in general with a passion.

Flower Crab, which is very common here in Hong Kong and has a very tender sweet flesh. These are smaller blue crabs with spots on their shells and legs. We have found that smaller crabs tend to have sweeter meat but you have to work more to get at the meat while larger crabs have much more meat but a tougher chewier texture.

Toss the crabs in the fridge to knock them out before steaming and make sure you have some of those nut cracker things on hand to break up the shells. Unless you're like my mother in which case just bring your teeth to the table and you'll be fine.

Chinese Steamed Crabs Recipe
  • 3 small crabs or 2 large crabs, live
  • 2 teaspoons ginger, sliced into very thin matchsticks
  • 1 tbsp Chin Kiang Vinegar
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
Boil the water in a large steamer. Wash the crabs and place in a large dish that will fit into the steamer. When water is boiled, place the dish into the steamer, being careful of the hot steam. Steam for 15 minutes. Take out of steamer and serve along with two small sauce dishes of 1) Ginger and vinegar 2) Soy Sauce. Eat with or without dipping into the sauce, it depends on your preference. For myself I like to eat it without dipping mostly. The meat it so yummy already!

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