
Reduce your frequent hunger pangs -- Awesome Eggs

If you want to curb your infrequent hunger pangs, its better to have eggs for breakfast, that curbs on reducing hunger at the same time decreases calorie consumption at lunch and throughout the day, as per a new study.

It was seen that people who had taken eggs in their breakfast consumed fewer calories when offered an unlimited lunch buffet in comparison when they ate a carbohydrate-rich bagel diet for breakfast that had the same amount of calories.

This research is basically an extension of the earlier studies that stated that eating eggs for breakfast as part of a reduced-calorie diet helped in case of overweight dieters lose 65 percent more weight and feel more energetic when compared to people who tend to eat a carbohydrate rich diet.

Dr. Maria Luz Fernandez, study author and professor in the department of nutritional sciences at the University of Connecticut stated: "There is a growing body of evidence that supports the importance of high-quality protein in the diet for overall health and in particular the importance of protein at the breakfast meal. We examined two typical American breakfasts, and the participants'' self-reported appetite ratings reveal that a protein-rich breakfast helps keep hunger at bay."

Another dietician and nutrition consultant, Helenbeth Reynolds adds that high-quality protein breakfast like eggs aids in fullness and thus curbing the temptation to add calories. She further stated that egg constitutes of only 70 units of calories and in addition to this it comes with high-quality protein and added nutrients.

Studies have shown that those with higher levels of choline have a corresponding lower level of inflammation (20%! Chronic inflammation=disease=early death). What is sad is that they estimate some 90% of Americans are deficient of choline! Eggs are  great for your eyes as well, with hard hitters like zeaxanthin and lutein, that help protect against macular degeneration and cataracts. Although spinach is considered a great source of lutein, egg yolks are more bioavailable source. Examine your yolks to determine optimum levels. The deeper the yellow/orange color the more lutein and zeaxanthin and the more eye protection. What about cholesterol and heart health? persistent egg eaters actually demonstrate improved blood lipid levels and have a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease (oops I guess that diffuses that excuse not to eat them!). You don’t want to eat any old egg, though. Don’t reach for those filmy-light-colored yolky eggs. Step away and go for the pasture-raised. Like most things the factory farmed chicken just doesn’t measure up to it’s more natural counterpart. The greatness of pasture-raised (chickens aren’t considered grass-fed because they’ll eat anything, they’re especially fond of bugs):

1.can contain as much as 10 times the omega-3 concentration
2.   2/3 more vitamin A
3.7 times more beta carotene
4.more folic acid and vitamin B
5.30 times more vitamin E
6.3-6 times more vitamin D (eggs are one of the few dietary sources of this vital fat-soluble vitamin, that again most Americans don’t get enough of)

Still think that eggs are boring? I don’t see how anything so wonderful and beneficial could ever be boring, non-the-less tune in tomorrow for some recipes. For more on our egg-loving fat burner weight loss programs head over to our website at bodychange.net cause I’m off to enjoy some eggs in grass-fed butter (yum)!

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